by plan-eed-redac | 27 March 2025 | News, Burkina-Faso, Early childhood, Missions, Country, Projects
Depuis la mi-février, nous avons lancé un atelier parents – enfants dans 48 écoles publiques de Sahid Lakhan à Gorkha au Népal. Cette initiative vise à promouvoir l’apprentissage par le jeu et à renforcer les liens entre enfants, parents et enseignants....
by plan-eed-redac | 27 March 2025 | News, Early childhood, Missions, Projects, Testimonials, Togo
Après plusieurs semaines de préparation, nos activités au Togo ont bel et bien démarré avec le lancement de la formation de 19 femmes et hommes au métier d’assistant·e maternel·le à Lomé.Tania, Eliane et Johnson prennent la parole pour nous expliquer leurs attentes et...
by plan-eed-redac | 27 March 2025 | News, Burkina-Faso, Early childhood, Missions, Country, Projects, Protection from violence
En 2024, des assistantes maternelles que nous accompagnons au Burkina Faso nous ont alertés sur la situation critique de jeunes mères isolées. Ces femmes, souvent rejetées par leur famille et victimes de violences, vivent dans des conditions extrêmes et peinent à...
by plan-eed-redac | February 14, 2025 | News, France, Socio-professional integration, Early childhood, Missions, Country, Projects
Women's Cafés are the place to meet up, exchange ideas and, above all, express yourself! A helping hand for mothers from other countries, as part of our Chemins d'Enfances program in France. A month ago, we organized a Women's Café in Paris, with 5...
by plan-eed-redac | February 14, 2025 | News, France, Socio-professional integration, Early childhood, Missions, Country, Projects, Testimonials
The Baby Créatifs workshops - part of our Chemins d'Enfances program - offer invaluable support to parents who have recently arrived in France, by taking in their young children for a period of training. The Femmes exilées, mères combattantes series...
by plan-eed-redac | January 31, 2025 | News, Early childhood, Missions, Nepal, Country, Projects
While nursery schools in the Gorkha region have reopened after a 10-day vacation, we are continuing to work with our partner UN Nepal to help some of the families who send their children to the 48 schools we support....