Improve laws to protect and educate children


For many years, Planète Enfants & Développement has been leading advocacy actions in Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal and Burkina Faso to improve laws in favor of the protection of children and women, and to enforce them. The association relies on a network of local partners who share its fight.     

Its advocacy work in the field aims to :


  • protect children and women from domestic violence and human trafficking, as well as to improve migration laws.
  •  train local actors, including authorities, on legislative and regulatory frameworks
  • denounce the trivialization of prostitution and the risk of regulation.     
Defending children's rights with the french Groupe Enfance

In 2018, Planète Enfants & Développement joined the Groupe Enfance, a collective of 19 NGOs that are committed on a daily basis in France and around the world to ensure that children's rights are respected.
We share the conviction that constant and sustained attention to children and their rights is a powerful lever for initiating a virtuous circle and achieving the goals of sustainable development and peace. Groupe Enfance is committed to three missions: influencing political decision-makers; strengthening the capacities of international solidarity actors; raising awareness and mobilizing the general public for the realization of children's rights.
In 2020, the Groupe Enfance called on the French government to ensure greater effectiveness of children's rights in its international policy and to take specific measures to respond to the COVID-19 crisis (with particular attention to the most vulnerable children). The Group also called on the President of the Republic, in an open letter, "to move from the Convention to the Acts and to give impetus to a genuine cross-cutting policy for children's rights."

Fight against human trafficking

"The most difficult thing about being a victim of trafficking is the hold. It will stay sometimes in practice, and in all cases psychologically. The work of accompanying victims is one aspect." Geneviève Colas, coordinator of the Collective "Ensemble contre la traite des êtres humains".
Since 2010, Planète Enfants & Développement is part of the Collective "Ensemble contre la traite des êtres humains", alongside 28 associations. This collective advocates for the identification and care of victims of trafficking in France and fights against the commodification of people.
In 2020, the Collective is participating in the monitoring of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking.

"Trafficking in persons" means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation includes, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs."

Our advocacy projects

exploitation of children

Education and training for inclusion in India

India  Early childhood development / Education, training, entrepreneurship  Since 2023 Education and training for inclusion in India The story begins with a meeting, in the early 90s, between 3 people committed to promoting access to education and training for...

India: all our projects

India : all our projects INDEIn 2023, the Calcutta de la rue à l'école association merged with Planète Enfants & Développement. For 30 years, this French association had been supporting the NGO Tomorrow's Foundation in India, whose mission is to improve the quality...

All our projects in France

France: all our projects

France : all our projects For 20 years, psychologist and author Nathalie Parent has been seeing children and parents in her office who are overwhelmed by the whirlwind of their lives. Anxiety disorders in children are on the rise, as well as impulsivity, aggression, and...

Protect and integrate internally displaced children and women.

Burkina Faso Early Childhood Development | Protection against violence | Family support 2022 Protecting and integrating internally displaced children and women By the end of 2021, Burkina Faso will have more than 1.5 million internally displaced persons...

A social center for prostituted women in Kathmandu, Nepal

A social center for girl prostitutes in Kathmandu

Nepal Protection against violence 2022 A social center for girl prostitutes in Kathmandu (Pariwartan) The law that criminalized prostitution in 2008 in Nepal, the stigma and the economic crisis linked to Covid-19 plunge in fear,...

exploitation of children

Kidora Daycare, a social enterprise

Cambodia  Early childhood development |  2020 - 2022 The Kidora crèche, a social enterprise Cambodian society is undergoing radical change. Traditional models are being challenged, and more and more women are working outside the home.

BiiBop games and toys

Burkina: Biibop, a social enterprise for games and toys

Burkina Faso Early Childhood Development Since 2019 BiiBop, social enterprise for games and toys The few nurseries and kindergartens called CEEP (Centre d'Eveil et d'Education Préscolaire) in Burkina Faso lack games and toys to stimulate...


Burkina: a college against school dropout

Burkina Faso Socio-professional Insertion 2018-2021 A college against school dropout In sub-Saharan Africa, school dropout is a real challenge. Even more so in the countryside where children help their families in the fields, to keep...

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exploitation of children

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exploitation of children

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