Our missions
To protect and educate the most disadvantaged children, it is necessary toact on the environment that surrounds them.
In their family to begin with: to help a household move out of a day-to-day survival system, to solve its financial, employment, health or violence problems, to protect mothers and make them more autonomous, to promote the care of children and replace their education as a priority, from the earliest age.
Within the educational spheres such as nurseries or schools Developing professional and secure childcare, training educators, improving pedagogical and educational practices, building and equipping schools... ensures the development of children from their first months and a better education.
With the States To support national and territorial authorities in the construction and implementation of their early childhood policies is an essential lever for ensuring that actions in favor of children's development are sustained over the long term.
Over 39 years, Planète Enfants & Développement has developed expertise in 6 areas to combat poverty and the exclusion of disadvantaged children.
Our missions

Early Childhood Development
Access to quality pre-school care and education for children aged 0-6, support for parenthood (MDG 4)

Education, training, entrepreneurship
Lifelong education: pre-school, primary and secondary education, technical/vocational training and support for youth and women's entrepreneurship (SDG 4 and SDG 8)

Protecting women and children against violence
Preventing and protecting women and children, and combating violence, exploitation and human trafficking (SDG 5 and SDG 8)

Social support for families
Social support to help families gain access to decent housing and basic services, particularly those affected by the effects of climate change and conflict (MDG 11)
Gender equality and environmental preservation are major components of each of our 4 thematic areas of intervention.