Let's change the beginning of the story to change the whole story


The importance of the first 1000 days

The first six years of a child's life are the most important for his future. There is even talk lately of the importance of the first 1000 days. Science has shown that the child's experiences and emotional relationships shape his approach to the outside world. They lay the foundations for their development, their academic and professional success, and their personal growth.

 "Make cuckoo noises to your child, it activates thousands of neurons in a few seconds [...] you influence the mechanisms that will help him for the rest of his life to learn and react " explains this video of the site Born and Grown.

Inequalities emerge in early childhood

  • 1 child in 3 under the age of 5 is malnourished
  • More than 5 million children die before the age of 5
  • 1 child raised in a safe environment will be 2 to 5 times less likely to be hospitalized in his/her lifetime

In Cambodia, Vietnam, Nepal and Burkina Faso where the association works, extreme poverty is a major risk for young children. The most disadvantaged families are unaware of the benefits of care, stimulation and learning for the development of young children.

However, societies are changing and many have understood the challenge of education for the success of their children. There is a growing demand for professional childcare for toddlers. But childcare services for children under 6 years of age are still scarce and of insufficient quality.

Planète Enfants & Développement therefore wishes to develop a ambitious strategy for the development of early childhoodespecially for the most disadvantaged.

Our early childhood projects

Early childhood

Education and training for inclusion in India

India  Early childhood development / Education, training, entrepreneurship  Since 2023 Education and training for inclusion in India The story begins with a meeting, in the early 90s, between 3 people committed to promoting access to education and training for...

India: all our projects

India : all our projects INDEIn 2023, the Calcutta de la rue à l'école association merged with Planète Enfants & Développement. For 30 years, this French association had been supporting the NGO Tomorrow's Foundation in India, whose mission is to improve the quality...

All our projects in France

France: all our projects

France : all our projects For 20 years, psychologist and author Nathalie Parent has been seeing children and parents in her office who are overwhelmed by the whirlwind of their lives. Anxiety disorders in children are on the rise, as well as impulsivity, aggression, and...

Protect and integrate internally displaced children and women.

Burkina Faso Early Childhood Development | Protection against violence | Family support 2022 Protecting and integrating internally displaced children and women By the end of 2021, Burkina Faso will have more than 1.5 million internally displaced persons...

A social center for prostituted women in Kathmandu, Nepal

A social center for girl prostitutes in Kathmandu

Nepal Protection against violence 2022 A social center for girl prostitutes in Kathmandu (Pariwartan) The law that criminalized prostitution in 2008 in Nepal, the stigma and the economic crisis linked to Covid-19 plunge in fear,...

Early childhood

Kidora Daycare, a social enterprise

Cambodia  Early childhood development |  2020 - 2022 The Kidora crèche, a social enterprise Cambodian society is undergoing radical change. Traditional models are being challenged, and more and more women are working outside the home.

BiiBop games and toys

Burkina: Biibop, a social enterprise for games and toys

Burkina Faso Early Childhood Development Since 2019 BiiBop, social enterprise for games and toys The few nurseries and kindergartens called CEEP (Centre d'Eveil et d'Education Préscolaire) in Burkina Faso lack games and toys to stimulate...


Burkina: a college against school dropout

Burkina Faso Socio-professional Insertion 2018-2021 A college against school dropout In sub-Saharan Africa, school dropout is a real challenge. Even more so in the countryside where children help their families in the fields, to keep...

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