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Our latest news

International news in Cambodia, Nepal, Vietnam and Burkina Faso, but also news in France and expert advice on the theme of Childhood, discover our latest news.

A street in Poipet, Cambodia

A La Vie report: "Les petits damnés de Poipet"

Pascale Tournier, journalist for La Vie, came to meet our team and our local partner in Cambodia at the end of June. In a 6-page dossier published on July 25, she describes in detail the oppressive atmosphere in Poipet, a town on the border with...

parenting month in Nepal

Parenting month in Nepal celebrated in June

On June 12 and 13, our team in Nepal celebrated Parenthood Month in 2 kindergartens we support in Gorkha. Marine, on civic service with Planète Enfants & Développement, tells us about these 2 days. We had set ourselves the goal of...

play and learning

Play in learning: a fundamental role

International Play Day, this June 11, 2024, is an excellent opportunity to recall the role of play in the development of young children. Interview with Nolwenn Deschard, Early Childhood expert at Planète Enfants & Développement.What are the...

4 students volunteer in India

Volunteers in India: 4 students talk about their mission

Elodie, Floriane, Héloïse and Perrine are finishing their studies at Compiègne University of Technology. They have just spent 1 month in India, where they took part in the renovation of an elementary school and two community education centers supported by our...

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