by plan-eed-redac | 24 July 2020 | News, Cambodia, Early childhood, Missions, Country, Projects, Testimonials
On the occasion of the signature of the agreement protocol between Planète Enfants & Développement and Bandos Komar, let's have a look at this Cambodian association and the project that we will carry out together in the next three years. Bandos Komar is an association...
by plan-eed-redac | 17 July 2020 | News
Find in this document a summary of the main achievements of Planète Enfants & Développement and its partners in 2019, explanations on our budget and accounts (8-page report also available in PDF format, in our section...
by plan-eed-redac | 16 July 2020 | News, Early childhood, Missions, Nepal, Country, Projects, Protection from violence
On June 22nd, our Nepalese team and its local partner Child Nepal met in Kathmandu for the closing meeting of the project "A better future for mothers and children". It was the occasion for the 15 participants to come back on the strong points,...
by plan-eed-redac | 2 July 2020 | News
A big THANK YOU to the 17 participants gathered on Sunday, June 28th by the magic of the Internet, to represent Planète Enfants & Développement during the connected edition of the 2020 Heroes' Race. Results : 5 131€ collected from the participants...
by plan-eed-redac | 30 June 2020 | News, Country, Projects, Testimonials, Vietnam
Portraits of the month: this month, discover the journeys of Hoa and Thao, two social workers within the Planète Enfants & Développement team in Vietnam. Hoa is 36 years old, he is the father of an 8 years old girl. Thao is 29 years old and is the mother of a boy...
by plan-eed-redac | 29 June 2020 | News, Burkina-Faso, Missions, Country, Projects, Maternal and child health
The support to our local partners continues in this period of health and social crisis. Last week, thanks to funding from the Fondation de France, our team in Burkina Faso was able to distribute hygiene equipment to its various partners...