News from Burkina Faso!

27 Mar, 2017

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Group activities for children in Burkina Faso

Planète Enfants & Développement organizes groups for children from 3 to 6 years old to offer them various activities supervised by social workers.

The different activities proposed are first free games and then directed activities such as :

- Expressive and creative activities (imagination, language, manual and abstract skills);

- Playful activities (strategy, logic, socialization, communication);

- Sports activities (socialization, solidarity, physical abilities, strategy and respect for rules and limits);

- Pre-reading and pre-mathematics activities;

- Environmental discovery outings (curiosity, understanding of the social environment and Burkinabe culture).

Through these activities, we work more specifically to :

- To help children in their resilience process by developing their own resources, by giving meaning to what they experience;

- Help them manage their difficulties such as shyness, lack of self-confidence and delays in their intellectual, language, motor, emotional and behavioral acquisitions;

- Help them to make physical violence a verbal and not an active part of their lives, for example, by using storytelling and drawing as a means of release and expression.

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