LILO ! What is LILO?

LILO ! What is LILO?

Planète Enfants & Développement is now on Lilo! It is a search engine that finances social and environmental projects thanks to our searches on the internet. As you search, you accumulate water drops, a kind of currency...
B.O.P Preschool Toolkit

B.O.P Preschool Toolkit

Planète Enfants & Développement has just launched a new project in Burkina Faso in favor of Early Childhood: the BOP, a Toolbox for the Preschool! This new innovative and collaborative tool aims to remedy the lack of information on the...
May 15, 2018, International Day of the Family

May 15, 2018, International Day of the Family

On this May 15, 2018, we celebrate the International Day of the Family! A stable family environment and access to basic services, such as health, education, and housing, are essential elements in the proper development and flourishing of...