Anita: "I learned to make the classroom more interactive

Jan 5, 2022

Last week, we told you about Subhadra, a kindergarten teacher who benefited from a training in Nepal, in the municipality of Gajuri. Now it's Anita's turn, a teacher for 4 years, to tell us about her experience. She explains us what this training brought her and how she manages her class from now on. 


I used to focus on learning the alphabet and textbooks. There was no one to guide me in teaching such young children. My goal was to teach them reading, writing, the words and the calculation.

Through this training, I learned more practical methods. Now I know that I don't have to force the children to recite the alphabet! They can learn letters in a fun way by coloring them, painting them or associating them with words or pictures.
I also learned how to make the classroom more interactive. Now I will show the picture of the apple and ask them to say the word. Then I ask a few questions like "Have you ever eaten one?"

I also changed my way of start the day in class. I place all the children in the courtyard and then have some of them pray and sing the national anthem. I take care of the children, I pay attention to their hygiene, I learned to be more attentive.

Unfortunately, many children can't come every day because they live far from the school. If they have older brothers or sisters, they can be accompanied, otherwise it is difficult.

Since the first training last year, I have been going to families, talking to them about the importance of school from an early age. Now, many parents regularly send their children to school.


>> Find out more Subhadra's testimony

>> More information on the project " Early learning is a priority "

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