Protection from violence


A woman is three times more likely to be a victim of domestic violence if she was abused as a child (national survey on violence against women in France - 2000).

In Vietnam, 63% of women have experienced some form of domestic violence (2019)

Violence against children is detrimental to their well-being, their development and their future. 

It is also a violation of their rights. Every child has the right to be protected from violence, maltreatment and all forms of abuse and exploitation, as stated in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Violence against women is equally unacceptable. 

Despite the efforts of some governments to reduce gender-based violence, it remains one of the major problems of society in Vietnam, Cambodia or Nepal for example. Widely underestimated and accepted by society, violence against women takes many forms: physical, sexual, psychological and economic. Worse, many victims remain silent for fear of being blamed and judged, which minimizes the horror of the violence and protects those who perpetrate it.

From individual psycho-social follow-up to training to emancipate victims, from the "school for husbands" to training in family budget management, and including debates with the younger generation, the social workers of Planète Enfants & Développement and its partners have developed methods to identify victims, to do prevention, to lift taboos, to fight against stereotypes and to change mentalities

Child abuse

"Every time a woman defends herself, without knowing it, without claiming it, she defends herself for all women".

Maya Angelou

Our projects to protect against violence

Child abuse

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Child abuse

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