
The director of the Kidora nursery plays with Cambodian children

Early Childhood Development  2020 – 2022

The Kidora daycare, a social enterprise

Cambodian society is changing. Traditional models are being questioned and more and more women are working outside the home. The need for childcare is great but professional structures are still difficult to access.

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The context

With the impoverishment of the countryside and the economic development of the cities, many young girls and women have to migrate to the city to work and find themselves separated from their families and traditional spaces of solidarity.

The rapid industrialization of Cambodia has profoundly altered the traditional family unit and childcare patterns. Mothers express great difficulty in finding a balance between their personal and professional lives. The quality of care and education of their young children is a source of concern for many of them who prefer to resign at the end of their maternity leave to take care of their baby. They then return to work when the child is 6 months to 1 year old, always with great reluctance.

In the capital Phom Penh, there are many migrant workers. They return to their village to give birth and take care of their child, then leave it when they return to work, often to grandparents who say they are overwhelmed.

How is your donation used?

For every €100 raised by Planète Enfants & Développement, €84.4 goes to our social mission.

Our projects are evaluated by independent firms. And our accounts are audited and certified each year by KPMG.

months of childcare in 2021 (out of 21 months of existence) due to Covid

employees inactive due to Covid-19

children waiting for care

The project

Encouraged by the Ministry of Labor in Cambodia, which wants to strengthen workers' rights, particularly regarding childcare, we launched a project in 2017 to create daycare centers within garment factories. We learned two things from this: working mothers are afraid to have their babies travel on public transport to take them to their workplace; and company managers remain wary of the concept. We found that they also needed a model.

Thus, in 2019, we launched the development of our experimental Kidora daycare center, based on a social enterprise model.

Our Kidora crèche was based on 5 objectives major :

  • Becoming a showcase : to propose a replicable daycare center model in the country
  • Promote the pedagogy that we defend
  • Welcome and form educators to this pedagogy
  • Become a incubator for new daycare centers based on this model
  • Return the profits of the crèche in our projects dedicated to the development of Early Childhood.

Kidora aims to promote an "active pedagogy", centered on the needs and interests of the child. The key word at Kidora is play observe, adapt, imagine, learn, run ...

The crèche is therefore resolutely committed to learning through play, is environmentally responsible, organizes a formative dialogue with parents, and offers meals of high nutritional quality.

Located in the Boeng Tumpun district of Phnom Penh, it was aimed at young couples of working parents from Cambodia's middle class. The goal was to accommodate 35 children under the age of 4.

The opening of this crèche was greatly impacted by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although the crèche was finally able to open for 8 months and welcome 14 children, its economic model was no longer viable. However, the significant progress made by the children during these few months at the crèche (language, behavior, social life) is to be commended. The four auxiliaries recruited to work in the crèche were also able to improve their skills.

In addition, the experience has enabled PE&D to refine its pedagogical approach, and to develop training and management modules for the new CBCC crèches in the villages. 

"After a needs study, targeting clients, renovating a house, recruiting and training nursery staff, its planned opening in September 2020 was postponed to early 2021, for only two months in the first half of the year, due to Covid-19 and government-imposed rules. We need funds to keep Kidora alive."

Véronique Jenn-Treyer , Director of Planète Enfants & Développement

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