Getting your head above water to take care of your children


In the Asian and African countries where the association works, many poor families flee the countryside for the city in the hope of finding work and improving their living conditions. But the pressure is such that many end up in the suburbs of the cities, in unworthy housing conditions and with precarious day-to-day jobs. Unaware of their new environment, lacking confidence, discriminated against, most families are just surviving.

The aim of the Accompaniment of families in difficulty is to improve the living conditions of these very vulnerable populations in a sustainable way by making them actors of their own development. The social workers of Planète Enfants & Développement or its partners identify families in great difficulty and offer them personalized social assistance for 6 to 9 months.
The method consists of providing them with information and psychosocial follow-up to give them self-confidence (the basis for moving forward) and to help them solve their difficulties on their own. We create a bridge between these families and the public and private services they can turn to according to their needs (financial, health, employment, violence problems...).


Our projects for the support of families

Accompaniment of families

Education and training for inclusion in India

India  Early childhood development / Education, training, entrepreneurship  Since 2023 Education and training for inclusion in India The story begins with a meeting, in the early 90s, between 3 people committed to promoting access to education and training for...

India: all our projects

India : all our projects INDEIn 2023, the Calcutta de la rue à l'école association merged with Planète Enfants & Développement. For 30 years, this French association had been supporting the NGO Tomorrow's Foundation in India, whose mission is to improve the quality...

All our projects in France

France: all our projects

France : all our projects For 20 years, psychologist and author Nathalie Parent has been seeing children and parents in her office who are overwhelmed by the whirlwind of their lives. Anxiety disorders in children are on the rise, as well as impulsivity, aggression, and...

Protect and integrate internally displaced children and women.

Burkina Faso Early Childhood Development | Protection against violence | Family support 2022 Protecting and integrating internally displaced children and women By the end of 2021, Burkina Faso will have more than 1.5 million internally displaced persons...

A social center for prostituted women in Kathmandu, Nepal

A social center for girl prostitutes in Kathmandu

Nepal Protection against violence 2022 A social center for girl prostitutes in Kathmandu (Pariwartan) The law that criminalized prostitution in 2008 in Nepal, the stigma and the economic crisis linked to Covid-19 plunge in fear,...

Accompaniment of families

Kidora Daycare, a social enterprise

Cambodia  Early childhood development |  2020 - 2022 The Kidora crèche, a social enterprise Cambodian society is undergoing radical change. Traditional models are being challenged, and more and more women are working outside the home.

BiiBop games and toys

Burkina: Biibop, a social enterprise for games and toys

Burkina Faso Early Childhood Development Since 2019 BiiBop, social enterprise for games and toys The few nurseries and kindergartens called CEEP (Centre d'Eveil et d'Education Préscolaire) in Burkina Faso lack games and toys to stimulate...


Burkina: a college against school dropout

Burkina Faso Socio-professional Insertion 2018-2021 A college against school dropout In sub-Saharan Africa, school dropout is a real challenge. Even more so in the countryside where children help their families in the fields, to keep...

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Accompaniment of families

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Accompaniment of families

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Accompaniment of families

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