Nepal: Subhadra, a better-trained kindergarten teacher

Dec 30, 2021

Subhadra is one of the 45 women kindergarten teachers who have just benefited from a 4-day training session in the municipality of Gajuti in Nepal with our local partner association Seto Gurans. This session, which follows 9 days of training given in 2020, is part of a project to support teachers in Dhading and Kathmandu to improve the quality of kindergarten education. 


"My teaching was very classical in the past"

"My teaching was very classical in the past. I used to write numbers on the board, spell words out loud and let the kids follow along. Through this training, I learned that you can approach many subjects in a simple way with toddlers. With a simple image, I can now do awareness on math, science, environment... 

For example, I show the children a chicken, an animal they are familiar with. Then I ask them if it is big or small, how many legs it has, its color... I also used to ask the head of the school to allocate a budget for the purchase of teaching materials and I sometimes blamed them when I couldn't get it. I now know how to make learning materials using local materials for free! " Subhadrainstructor for 15 years (including 10 years in kindergarten at Gajuri).


Above is a photo of the teachers who were trained this week in preparing learning materials from the raw materials available around them. 

In Nepal, there is no pre-service training for kindergarten teachers. We therefore propose a training course that is divided into 3 blocks of skills:
- understand the stages of early childhood developmentThis course is designed to help you learn about learning methodologies with toddlers and to facilitate a class.
- learn to produce content and teaching materialsusing locally available and free raw materials
- detect and understand psychosocial problems to accompany children in difficulty.
A total of 74 teachers have been trained in recent months. They will benefit from an additional 2 days in 2022 to address the management of a school in a more global way.

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