Conflicts and wars, which force populations to flee their homes, only strengthen the networks of traffickers and increase the risks of exploitation of the most vulnerable, especially children and women. In the context of the war in Ukraine and the displacement of millions of people, the Collective "Together against human trafficking", of which Planète Enfants & Développement is a member, is mobilizing to raise awareness among the public volunteering with exiled people on the risks incurred and the practices to be adopted to protect them, but also to alert institutions and decision-makers on the existing problems and the necessary means to face them.
"We have accumulated experience in this area in the conflicts in Kosovo, Lebanon, Chechnya [...]. In Poland, some women are offered accommodation in exchange for sexual favors," explains Geneviève Colas, coordinator for Secours Catholique-Caritas France of the Ensemble contre la traite des êtres humains collective, in the context of the war in Ukraine.
Taking advantage of the surge of solidarity from all sides and the distress of migrants fleeing Ukraine, predators of exploitation networks organize abductions and set traps for sexual exploitation, domestic slavery, forced labor...
The collective Ensemble contre la traite des êtres humains publishes a detailed and concrete advocacyThe aim of the campaign is to point out all the dangers currently faced by people on the move, to propose solutions and to push the State to take measures to protect all asylum seekers and refugees, whether Ukrainian or of other nationalities.
> Read the Advocacy No to the exploitation and trafficking of all persons in the context of the Ukrainian crisisby the collective Together against human trafficking - April 2022
> Consult the Anti-Trafficking in Persons website