Early childhood and the dangers of screens: Serge Tisseron shares his expertise

29 Feb, 2024

Convinced of the importance of a child's first 3,000 days for his or her development, early childhood is a major focus for Planète Enfants & Développement. For some years now, the association has been paying particular attention to enriching its knowledge and skills in this field. To this end, it regularly calls on the services of experts. On March 12, all our teams will have the honor of discussing for the 2nd time with Serge Tisseron, psychiatrist and doctor of psychology, on the subject of the dangers of screens for children.

Taming screens and growing up

During this videoconference, Serge Tisseron will talk to our entire team, including all our project managers, about the impact of screen use on child development, alternatives to screens and the attitude of adults to the dangers of screens. Prior to the conference, we gathered all the concerns on the subject from those involved in our field projects, so that we could discuss local issues in detail.

In each of the countries where we work, the issue of how to deal with children's screens is present, with parents and educators expressing concern and a lack of resources. That's why we've decided to launch an awareness-raising campaign on the risks of screens over the next two years in Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal and Togo, in collaboration with Serge Tisseron's team.

 This videoconference is the first in a series of 4 in-house conferences dedicated to early childhood and in collaboration with experts over the coming months.


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