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Hindsight: 120′ for the future of our children
A look back at our beautiful evening on October 13, 2022, which, thanks to the generosity of its 124 participants, raised more than €180,000 for 7 projects in favor of the children, women and families we support. A huge thank you to our...
Portrait of the month: Elodie Blin, early childhood trainer
This month, let's meet Elodie Blin, early childhood educator and trainer, partner of Planète Enfants & Développement for many years.Elodie, tell us a little bit about yourself? I am the mother of an 11 year old girl...
France: launch of the Devenir Parents project
For 38 years, Planète Enfants & Développement's goal has been to help children grow up in an environment that is conducive to their well-being and development. Accompanying mothers and fathers in their parenthood is therefore a priority....
An impact study in Nepal with Paris Dauphine University
Three researchers from Paris-Dauphine University were on a mission in early September to meet with our team in Nepal and prepare the impact study of our parenting program for 500 Nepalese. Nolwenn Deschard, our Early Childhood expert,...
Do you know our Support Committee?
Donors, volunteers, members of the Board of Directors, faithful or recently won over by our projects, employees, company managers or retirees, in Paris or in the provinces, we would like to thank our support committee for its investment, which...
Training for childcare assistants in Vietnam began this summer
Our trainers An and Thuy offered a first training session to 46 childcare assistants in Tan Phu district and 36 others in Thu Duc district in Ho Chi Minh City in August. The first session focused on brain development...
New housing renovations have begun in Phnom Penh
During the month of August, we helped 7 new Cambodian families to renovate their homes in precarious neighborhoods of Phnom Penh.
Awareness of gender discrimination from an early age
In Cambodia, we are offering this summer a complementary training to the teachers of the kindergartens we have built or renovated. This training aims to raise awareness on discriminatory behaviors based on gender...
Internally Displaced Persons: the Child-Friendly Space in Burkina Faso
Arnaud Tougma, Project Manager in Burkina Faso, has just returned from a mission in Ouahigouya, in the north of the country, where it is now difficult to travel due to growing insecurity. He gives us an account of the situation on the ground and explains the implementation of the...
Portrait of Géraldine Massuelle: Early Childhood Coordinator
This month, let's meet Géraldine Massuelle, coordinator of our multi-country program for the development of Early Childhood. Discover her background, her missions and her challenges.but by the way Géraldine, who are you? I was born in Paris and I have been...
Video: visit to Pariwartan social center for exploited women
Buddi Shresta, Director of Operations in Nepal, takes us on a tour of the Pariwartan social center opened in May to counsel and train girls and women victims of prostitution in Kathmandu.Since the opening of the Pariwartan social center in May, the girls and women...
Urban walks with the people of Phnom Penh
Louise Ripert, a research fellow for Planète Enfants & Développement, is currently conducting a study in 4 neighborhoods on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. The objective: to understand with the inhabitants their uses in these districts and their needs in terms of...
canB, the new forms of engagement [1/4]
Donate your time, money, materials, create or feed a fund, there are many ways to get involved to defend a cause. We will present them to you over the weeks. Today, discover a new way to support Planète...
Garden: the story of a factory in Cambodia
Nicole Chu, Director of Sustainable Development at Sabrina Textile, speaks after visiting one of the daycare centers we recently opened in the women's villages in Cambodia. "A quality daycare center allows children to be in touch with their environment and to be able to express themselves...
Exit from Women's Prostitution: Komal Tells of Her Challenge
Komal is 25 years old. In reconversion, she has just joined the team of the Pariwartan project as a social worker, to help the women drawn towards prostitution to get out of it in Nepal. Like her, you can join the movement for the respect and protection of women...
Abused and exploited child: the testimony of Namuna
Like Nisha, Namuna receives the support of our partner Chhori in Nepal with whom we launch the Pariwartan project for the reintegration of young girls who were forced into prostitution. Discover her testimony. "My name is Namuna. I am originally from the district of...
Anecdote, memory, dream: video interview with Gilbert Dah in Burkina Faso
An anecdote, an emotion, a change, a dream, Gilbert Dah confides : video interview.After a decade dedicated to education as a General Inspector of Early Childhood Education, Gilbert Dah is now our Early Childhood Project Manager...
Building back up after abuse: Nisha's testimony
Nisha is one of the young Nepalese women supported in their reconstruction by our partner Chhori. With this association, we have just opened a new social center in Kathmandu to provide medical and psychosocial support to young women...
A behind-the-scenes look at a project in Vietnam, with Julia Levivier
Julia Levivier, Vietnam Director of Planète Enfants & Développement, tells us about the first steps of the project to support and reintegrate child victims or children at risk of being trafficked in the country.
Portrait of Cassandra Fallon: project coordinator in Vietnam
This month, we introduce you to Cassandra Fallon, coordinator of the anti-child trafficking project in Vietnam. She tells us about her journey, from her beginnings as an English teacher to the field with the association. Cassandra, tell us who you are! I am...
Message bracelet: affirm women's right to respect and dignity
With the #Pariwartan message bracelet, you have the power to help women raise their heads and change their life trajectory, you proudly assert their right to respect and dignity. The sales finance the medical care, the education and the...
The object that will settle conflicts: the hourglass
This week, for our One Week One Tip appointment, our Early Childhood expert Nolwenn Deschard, tells us about an object that allows us to rethink the education of the youngest. We all ask ourselves what object is essential when we have children.
Slideshow: children's smiles - nursery openings
On May 3rd, Planète Enfants & Développement celebrated the opening of the crèches - the first 3 of the 14 planned for the project - in villages of Kampong Speu in Cambodia. A look back at this event...
Chepang teenage girls: a menstrual cycle training
The Nepalese teenagers of the Chepang ethnic group, welcomed in the boarding school we built in 2021, participated at the beginning of May in a 3 days training on their menstrual cycle and puberty, with a main objective: to make them stronger and proud...
Portrait of Valerie Sum, skills patronage volunteer
My name is Valérie Sum. I have been a full-time volunteer for 1 year at the Planète Enfants & Développement head office, in skills sponsorship. Discover Valérie's background and missions. Can you tell us about the skills sponsorship developed in your company?
Thank you Happy Chandara and PE&D for making our family's life better
"My name is Srey Mao, I live in Cambodia and I have 5 children. With my husband, we have always done all kinds of manual work to support our family. For some time now, we have been working in a jasmine plantation. We did not have any...
Mother and Daughter: The Story of Sita and Sanu in Nepal
Mother and daughter, Sita and Sanu* live in Kathmandu, Nepal. We met them in a school that we support and where we offer parenting support sessions. We meet family stories like theirs every day....
Politics in Nepal: what's at stake in municipal elections
The Nepalese municipal elections take place this Friday, May 13. A major event in the political life of Nepal as it is the 2nd municipal elections in the history of the country since the establishment of the Nepalese constitution in 2015 and the implementation of the...
Radio spots to promote childcare and women's empowerment in Burkina
We are helping the childcare assistants that we have trained in Burkina Faso to develop their micro-nurseries. One of the challenges is to make this new form of childcare known, to inform and convince Burkinabé parents of the importance of a childcare center...
Free Motor Skills for Children
This week, our Early Childhood expert Nolwenn Deschard, wishes to focus on the benefits of free motor skills for babies.What is free motor skills? Concept developed by the Hungarian pediatrician Emmi Pikler, free motor skills consist in...