Mr. YIM Ieng, alias Mr. Lee, has been working with the Planète Enfants & Développement team in Cambodia for 20 years. During a conversation, he tells us about his career and his role in the association.
> Learn more about our projects in Cambodia
Mr. YIM Ieng, alias Mr. Lee, has been working with the Planète Enfants & Développement team in Cambodia for 20 years. During a conversation, he tells us about his career and his role in the association.
> Learn more about our projects in Cambodia
L’internat que nous avons construit en 2021 dans les montagnes de Dhading au Népal et géré par l’association Chepang, accueille aujourd’hui 22 adolescentes de 12 à 18 ans. Grâce aux liens que nous avons gardés, nous nous sommes aperçus que beaucoup d’entre elles nécessitent du soutien, qu’il soit psychologique, scolaire…
Durant les Cafés des femmes, on se retrouve, on échange et surtout, on s’exprime ! Un coup de pouce pour les mamans venues d’ailleurs, dans le cadre de notre programme Chemins d’Enfances en France . Nous organisions un Café des femmes il y a un mois dans Paris, avec 5…
Les ateliers Baby Créatifs - de notre programme Chemins d’Enfances - offrent un précieux soutien aux parents arrivés depuis peu en France, en accueillant leurs jeunes enfants pendant le temps d’une formation. La série Femmes exilées, mères combattantes nous plonge au cœur de cette belle aventure. Découvrez le projet et…
While nursery schools in the Gorkha region have reopened after a 10-day vacation, we are continuing to work with our partner UN Nepal to help some of the families who send their children to the 48 schools we support.In December, we organized medical visits to the...
Over the past year, we have taken concrete action in Burkina Faso to strengthen the skills of childminders, improve the care of toddlers and support the autonomy of women. 2024 highlights for better care for children under the age of 3: Support for childminders...
The 3rd phase of our HaLI project, scheduled to run from June 2024 to June 2027, marks an ambitious new stage in our commitment to improving the living conditions of families in extreme poverty in certain districts of Phnom Penh. A promising start at Sensabay Activities began in August...
I worked for Planète Enfants in Nepal for over 2 years. At the time, I remember a very contrasted country, with the noise and dust of Kathmandu, a difficult socio-economic context, notably due to the still strong influence of the caste system and problems of governance. But I...
Buddi Shresta, our Director of Operations in Nepal, visited one of the 48 nursery schools we support in the Sahid Lakhan municipality on October 27. So, what's the latest on the Rainas school? During this visit, I had the opportunity to observe...
Over the past school year, our partner Tomorrow's Foundation in India decided to train volunteer parents in practical, alternative teaching methods to support learning at home and prevent their children from dropping out of school.Thus, from March 2023 to June 2024, 956 parents took part in...
At the end of 2022, the government of Burkina Faso validated the tools we helped develop to monitor the progress of kindergarten pupils. The country has now reached a new milestone by training teaching teams in the use of these tools: a pedagogical follow-up notebook and nine quarterly report cards....