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Covid-19: our response in Burkina Faso
Episode 4/4: Burkina Faso As of May 18, the Ministry of Health in Burkina Faso reports 796 sick and 51 dead. The opening of schools is postponed to June 2. But in a country where 40% of the inhabitants live below the poverty line, daily survival is a challenge...
Covid-19: our response in Vietnam
Episode 3/4: Vietnam With a strict surveillance of its population and sanctions that can be severe, Vietnam now seems to control the Covid-19 health crisis. Although life is gradually returning to normal, the last 3 months have proved to be...
Covid-19: our response in Cambodia
Episode 2/4: Cambodia While the sanitary situation seems to be stabilizing in Cambodia these last weeks, a relaxation of the population with regard to barrier gestures is visible, in particular among the poorest who do not wear the mask anymore because of the lack of hygiene.
Covid-19: our response in Nepal
Episode 1/4: Nepal At a time when the Nepalese government has just extended the lockdown - installed since March 24th - until June 2nd, the economic and social situation is very critical for the poorest people and particularly for women...
Madam L, itinerary of a reconstruction in Vietnam
Mrs. L and her children, victims of a violent husband and father, have found support from Planète Enfants & Développement and its partners in Vietnam. Let's take advantage of the International Day of Families to highlight their courage, their will...
Covid-19: where do we stand in the countries where we operate?
While the French are currently experiencing a gradual deconfinement, let's take stock with you of the health, economic and social situation in the countries where we operate. Cambodia The authorities have officially counted 125 cases and no deaths. The...
Nepal - study: have the lives of accompanied women and men changed in 5 years?
Planète Enfants & Développement is launching a study with F3E to measure the effects of actions taken for the protection and empowerment of women in Nepal since 2015. Have the behaviors of the women and men we have accompanied changed?
Portrait: Kumar, Administrative and Financial Manager in Nepal
Discover the portrait of Kumar Khadka, Administrative and Financial Manager of Planète Enfants & Développement in Nepal. "I live with my family in a small village 20 kilometers from Kathmandu. I work at Planète Enfants & Développement...
Edito from our President: our action against Covid-19
Dear friends, I hope with all my heart that you and your loved ones are spared from Covid-19. At Planète Enfants & Développement, we are doing everything possible to limit its spread, to protect our teams and our beneficiaries. These children, these women...
Newobs Tribune: Five years after the earthquake, Nepal suffers an even bigger crisis with Covid-19
On April 25, 2015, a 7.9 magnitude earthquake and its aftershocks affected 8 million people in Nepal and killed more than 9,000. Paradoxically, these earthquakes had accelerated the political and administrative transformation of the country, leaving...
150 women trained as childcare workers
Like Rakieta or Balguissa, 150 women between 18 and 35 years old followed the 12 days of training offered by Planète Enfants & Développement in December in Ouahigouya, in the north of Burkina Faso. They are now following a 3-month training course, in a nursery or a day care center, which...
Cambodia: family support and renovation continue
In substandard housing, families in the poorest areas of Phnom Penh risk their lives on a daily basis. We are therefore maintaining our efforts during the Covid-19 crisis to renovate many houses, in 2 new districts in particular, and to...
Kidora, our future crèche in Cambodia
Scheduled to open at the end of April 2020, the opening of our crèche in Phnom Penh has unfortunately been postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It will welcome up to 40 children from 6 months to 4 years old, in a villa of 300 m² with a garden, fitted out to protect and awaken the children...
Talk Group: a woman testifies in Cambodia
"Before being supported by Planète Enfants & Développement and SKO, my husband and I were often at odds. He would blame me for taking care of the kids and eating dinner late. He made all the important decisions for the family. I was stressed and angry...
Henriette, employee of BNP Paribas, working at Planète Enfants & Développement
Henriette Loizeau joined the Planète Enfants & Développement team in September 2019 on a 12-month assignment as Administration & Organization Officer. Her particularity: she is a "volunteer" who is a bit special because she is...
Vietnam: 3 questions to Thiên Phước
Thiên Phước, 17, is a student at Nhan Dao Vocational School in Ho Chi Minh City. What is Planète Enfants & Développement's Imagine club in Vietnam, what is it for? Thanks to my school and PE&D, I joined a group of 24 students, the...
Study in Cambodia: a better life in social housing?
In March 2020, our team in charge of the Family Accompaniment and Habitat (Hali) project in Cambodia, conducted a study with families from the precarious neighborhood of Borei Keila in Phnom Penh and rehoused by the State in social housing. Its objective:...
Covid-19 in Vietnam: we distribute products to families in need
As a result of the containment measures imposed to curb the epidemic, many Vietnamese have lost their jobs or have seen their income seriously reduced. Our team in Vietnam has reorganized its activities in order to best support families in Ho Chi Minh...
Covid-19 in Cambodia: outreach to textile mills
Although our EBSS project on health in textile factories is almost over, our team in Cambodia has re-launched activities. We have gathered our network of women educators to educate workers in 3 factories on barrier and health practices...
What impact does Covid-19 have on the most vulnerable?
The unprecedented health crisis linked to Covid-19 will undoubtedly have a greater impact on countries dependent on the global economy and on fragile or excluded populations. Here is a brief overview of the chain of risks already identified. The impact of...
22 new village crèches in Cambodia
Childcare for women textile workers remains a huge issue in Cambodia. After testing the installation of crèches in the factories, we adapted the project to meet the needs of these women and launched the construction of 22 crèches...
Le Monde article: Covid-19, let's stand together with Africa
Planète Enfants & Développement is co-signatory of a tribune published in the newspaper Le Monde by a collective of NGOs, to call the President of the Republic to support international solidarity in Africa in the face of the coronavirus epidemic. Some...
Covid-19 emergency for Chepangs in Nepal
Message from Stéphanie Selle, Director of Planète Enfants & Développement in Nepal, about Covid-19 in Nepal: "We are very worried about the Chepangs, a very poor and isolated ethnic group of about 50,000 inhabitants that we have been accompanying for several years...
In Burkina Faso, craftsmanship at the heart of Biibop games and toys
Discover the know-how of Biibop craftsmen, for educational toys and games 100% made in Burkina. BiiBop is a social and solidary company which commercializes educational toys and supports, for children from 0 to 6 years old, "100% made in Burkina Faso" !
Coronavirus Information
In connection with the current events around the coronavirus epidemic, here are some news from the countries where we intervene and from our team at headquarters. Whether in France or in our countries of intervention, our current priority is to continue to be in solidarity with...
PE&D and the 2030 Agenda
In 2015, 193 member states of the United Nations agreed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. They concern the planet and people as well as partnerships, prosperity and peace. Discover the 9 Goals...
Event: a day to celebrate women worker-educators in Cambodia
On the occasion of the "Peer Education Day" organized on February 23rd by our team in Cambodia, discover the results of our project on maternal and reproductive health for women workers in textile factories. The team of Planète...
Men involved against violence against women
In Cambodia, where women are still regularly subjected to domestic violence, Planète Enfants & Développement leads a project to prevent and fight against this scourge. One of the methods used is to make men and women think and communicate....
Women's Day: the testimony of Ms. Hong in Vietnam
Ms. Hong, a mother and working woman, benefited from our family support program in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. She explains the changes that this support has produced for her and her children. Read her testimony. March 8, International Women's Day...