
A social center for prostituted girls in Nepal

Early childhood development / Education, training, entrepreneurship Since 2023

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For better primary and pre-school education in India (Anandapath)

While the Indian government is determined to improve its education system, it still faces major challenges: a lack of quality childcare services for 3- to 6-year-olds, and a learning crisis at primary level.

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The context

From its experience in the most remote villages of the Birbhum district - which concentrate the country's most disadvantaged castes and tribes - our partner Tomorrow's Foundation testifies that 90% of children encounter difficulties in acquiring the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic in elementary school, which considerably hampers their academic progress.

With the definition of its Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) back in 1975, the Indian government wanted to focus on the protection and education of children aged 3 to 10. To this end, Anganwadi" centers have been set up in villages to welcome children aged 3 to 6 and encourage them to learn.3 hours a day. In reality, not all of these community centers function properly, especially in the most remote villages.

How is your donation used?

For every €100 raised by Planète Enfants & Développement, €84.4 goes to our social mission.

Our projects are evaluated by independent firms. And our accounts are audited and certified each year by KPMG.

of children in Birbhum have difficulties with reading, writing and arithmetic in elementary school.

of children are enrolled in nursery school in India (World Bank - 2021)

#039;is the year, equivalent to CM2, when the first school dropout occurs

The project

Since the beginning of this project, Tomorrow's Foundation has already set up communal primary learning centers in 150 partnership with the Birbhum district administration, to support the education of children aged 6 to 10.

To take things a step further, in October 2023 the association launched a preschool component.

Since signing the partnership agreement with Birbhum's ICDS department, Tomorrow's Foundation has recruited more than 80 local young people as community teachers.They were then assigned to Anganwadi centers in collaboration with public school teachers. They received 7 days' training in early childhood development before being distributed to the 170 Anganwadi centers supported under the project. A 3-day refresher course is planned at a later date.

In addition, after carrying out a baseline assessment of 10,000 elementary school children in January 2023, the association has prepared a baseline assessment for pre-school children. This will be carried out in Anganwadi centers in January 2024.

Meetings with village members are also planned for 2024 to focus on the results of the children's assessments, attendance monitoring and parental involvement, while deepening parenting support techniques. These meetings are the cornerstone of the entire village's commitment, from local authorities to parents, to their children's future.

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Nasrin's story

Nasrin is 10 years old. She lives in the village of Mokdamnagar. Her parents live from odd jobs and a hand-to-mouth income. They have never received any information or advice on the importance of their daughter's education.
When our center opened, our community teacher Disha worked hard to get children to come. She organized meetings in the village and visited families. Nasrin finally came to the center. Despite her lack of attendance and motivation, Disha saw her potential when she carried out the assessments. So she encouraged her, every day. Disha deployed playful learning methods at the center to capture the children's interest. Nasrin began to progress. Within 3 months, she was able to read simple sentences in Bengali, and do multiplication and division!
Her parents are proud of her and are now encouraging her to continue her studies. Our aim is for every child in the village to follow the same path as Nasrin, a path to academic success.

Debraj Mukherjee, Tomorrow's Foundation

elementary school in India

Our partners in the field

Tomorrow's Foundation:

NGO created in 1991, dedicated to education, training and combating the effects of climate change in India.

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