Assessment of a 1-year health and education project in Pabré, Burkina Faso

Apr 30, 2024

Just over a year ago, we told you about the launch of a new project in Pabré a commune of around 40,000 inhabitants in Burkina Faso, some twenty kilometers from the capital. Through this project, supported by the Orange Foundation and which has just come to an end, the inhabitants benefit from better public services in terms of health and education. Here's a quick look at what we've been up to over the last few months.

We rehabilitated a health center that had become insalubrious and equipped it with new equipment.

Pabré health center in Burkina Faso before after renovation
health and education project in Burkina Faso

The roof was repaired, the walls repainted and retiled, and the cracks in the floor filled. We installed mosquito screens and fans.

6 beds, 8 mattresses, 6 blood pressure monitors, 4 desks, 4 cupboards, 12 chairs and 6 reception bins replaced the outdated equipment.

health and education project in Burkina Faso
health and education project in Burkina Faso

We have also secured and equipped the playground of a new kindergarten (CEEP) built by the municipality.

Fence wall for nursery school in Pabré, Burkina Faso

The schoolyard has now been secured by a fence wall and equipped with new outdoor play equipment, including a swing, a slide and mobile horses. The school has also received new toys.

The training of 2 canteen staff and the school principal will help to improve the children's meals. In addition, we have provided food supplies (rice, pasta, oil, etc.).

health and education project in Burkina Faso

Finally, we have supported 3 crèches created in the commune by the childminders we have trained since 2020.

Mobile fence for nursery in Pabré, Burkina Faso

The 3 crèches received toys and games. We installed a mobile wall to secure the outside of one of the crèches. 5 childminders benefited from additional training and regular monitoring to improve the quality of their services and the management of their establishment.

A crèche in Pabré, Burkina Faso

Strong involvement of local authorities and citizens made a major contribution to the project's success.

Health workers say they feel reassured that they now have a solid roof over their patients' heads, and are pleased to be better equipped.

Nursery assistants, teaching staff and parents also confirm that they are more confident in their children's safety since the work was carried out.


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