Healthy to grow up well


  • 1/3 of the world's children are malnourished.
  • 14 x higher: the maternal mortality rate in developing countries
  • 21 to 61% is the reduction in school absenteeism for children who wash their hands in low-income countries (less sick)

A woman's health during pregnancy is essential for her child's development. However, many young working women, with their hectic work schedules, do not have the time to attend medical check-ups. 
In recent years, our actions have focused on garment factories in Cambodia to develop occupational medicine; but also to improve the nutrition of young children in Vietnam or the hygiene of children at school in Burkina Faso.

PE&D health

Our projects to improve child and maternal health

Rehan in India

Inclusion of children with disabilities (Charaibeti)

India  Education, training, entrepreneurship  Since 2023 (since 2010 by Tomorrow's Foudation)Share this project: The education of children with disabilities in India (Charaibeti) A large number of children and people with...

child health

Education and training for inclusion in India

India  Early childhood development / Education, training, entrepreneurship  Since 2023 Education and training for inclusion in India The story begins with a meeting, in the early 90s, between 3 people committed to promoting access to education and training for...

India: all our projects

India : all our projects INDEIn 2023, the Calcutta de la rue à l'école association merged with Planète Enfants & Développement. For 30 years, this French association had been supporting the NGO Tomorrow's Foundation in India, whose mission is to improve the quality...

All our projects in France

France: all our projects

France: all our projects FRANAnxiety disorders among children in France are on the rise, as are impulsivity, learning difficulties, hyperactivity and attention problems. Fewer outdoor activities,...

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