Life insurance is often seen as an investment tool. But did you know that it is also an easy way to leave a beautiful legacy behind you, outside your estate, through an association?
What is life insurance?
Life insurance is a savings product offered by banks and insurance companies to individuals. It consists of setting money aside for the medium or long term, in order to grow it and draw an annuity from it.
When taking out a life insurance policy, the policyholder chooses the person or persons who will benefit from the amounts saved on his or her death. As life insurance is not subject to inheritance, you can pass on the benefits to whomever you wish: your children, family members, friends, neighbors or an association such as Planète Enfants & Développement, for example. It's a simple way of perpetuating your commitments and values.
If you'd like to find out more, ask for our educational booklet here.
How do I transfer my life insurance policy to Planète Enfants & Développement?
Contrary to popular belief, life insurance is not transferred by will. All you have to do is enter the person or organization you wish to benefit in the policy's beneficiary clause. To do so, simply ask your insurer or banker.
Find out more about life insurance transfers
Can I change the beneficiary clause?
You can change the beneficiary clause of your policy as often as you like. For example, if you have already planned to pass on your life insurance to someone else, you can add Planète Enfants & Développement to the list of beneficiaries. The association will then receive the share reserved for it.
Request the booklet to find out more
Why transfer my life insurance policy to Planète Enfants & Développement?
By passing on your life insurance to Planète Enfants & Développement, you are perpetuating your generosity to help protect and educate the most vulnerable in Asia, Africa and, more recently, in France.
Your savings can make all the difference:
> With €6,000, for example, you can finance first-aid training for 40 childcare assistants in Burkina Faso, to ensure the best possible protection for young children.
> With €27,000, you're financing school equipment for 10 kindergarten classes in Nepal, as well as the schoolyard, kitchen and sanitary facilities.
You also have the guarantee that 100 % of the sums donated will go back to the association for its missions. Planète Enfants & Développement is authorized to receive bequests, donations and life insurance exempt from inheritance tax, unlike private individuals, for example. To find out more about the impact of such a gesture on our missions, ask for our free booklet.
As you can see, passing on a life insurance policy is an easy and effective way of continuing to support the work of Planète Enfants & Développement. If you are interested in this type of transfer, I would be delighted to discuss it with you by e-mail or telephone.

Sylvie Morin-Miot
In charge of the Transmission of Patrimony
Mail :
Tel : 01 53 34 86 32
Accompanied by Maître Massuelle, notary