40 years of commitment

for children!

Creating equal opportunities

from early childhood

Planète Enfants & Développement is a child protection association. It responds to the urgent need to protect children in danger, but also to educate, grow and integrate these future citizens.

children's planet

Our news

5 ways to support us

Donate money, offer your time, become a patron...
There are many ways to take action to help the most vulnerable children.

Our expertise

children's planet

early childhood development

Care and stimulation are essential for toddlers

children's planet

Protection from violence

A protective and stable environment promotes children's development

children's planet

Mommy and baby health

Unattended pregnancies and malnutrition still kill

children's planet

Accompanying families

Tackling extreme family poverty gives their children more opportunities

children's planet

Socio-professional integration

Helping isolated youth to better integrate them into society

children's planet


Let's advocate for changes and enforcement of laws that protect children and their mothers

Our priority projects

Protecting and integrating trafficked children in Vietnam

500 child victims of trafficking cared for

Nearly 6 out of every 100 children are exploited in Vietnam. Their identification and care are deficient.

Protecting and integrating internally displaced children and women in Burkina Faso

500 children and 50 internally displaced women supported

More than 1.9 million people, victims of violence close to home, have fled to the interior of the country.

A social center for prostituted women in Nepal

A social center for prostituted girls in Kathmandu

The law and the economic crisis plunge thousands of young women prostitutes in Nepal into precariousness.


S'register for the Race of Heroes 2024 with Planète Enfants & Développement

They support us