LILO ! What is LILO?

31 Aug, 2018

Planète Enfants & Développement is now on Lilo! It is a search engine that funds social and environmental projects through our internet searches. As you search, you accumulate drops of water, a kind of virtual currency. Once these drops of water are collected, you choose the association to which you want to donate them. The association is then paid for its project, this time in euros!

Lilo allows you to act free of charge and securely by continuing to do your usual research on the internet. The transparency of donations to associations is ensured by a chartered accountant, so you can support us with peace of mind!

To discover this new engine and finance us for free, it's very simple:

  1. Download Lilo to make it your main search engine.
  2. Go to the project form of Planète Enfants & Développement.
  3. Activate the option "Give my water drops automatically to this project".
  4. Do your daily research with Lilo to earn water drops.
  5. As soon as you have poured 50 drops, you will become a supporter of our project!
  6. Continue collecting drops.
  7. Every drop of water accumulated through your research will automatically reach us!

How to give my drops on Lilo


Simply thanks to his research, a person collects on average 15€ per year on Lilo. With 500 people we can collect 7500€, with 1000 people, 15000€! So please share our project page as much as possible so that we can collect as many drops of water as possible to finance our projects in favor of the Early Childhood!

Drop by drop, let's create together an ocean of possibilities for the future of the most vulnerable children!

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