Our financial partners
Our partners testify
The Foundation has been supporting training for professional integration for women in Burkina Faso since 2018 alongside Planète Enfants & Développement.
What brings us together: the desire to give a chance to those who are most in difficulty.
The partnership with the NGO Planète Enfants & Développement is a satisfaction for the Orange Burkina Faso Foundation. It is a reliable partner and the professionalism of its teams facilitates the execution and monitoring of projects for the great happiness of the beneficiaries.
They support us

A&A Ulmann Fund

A&O Shearman Foundation

Abbé Pierre Foundation

French Development Agency

Act for Children Foundation

Poujoulat Chimneys

The Coloreds

Monegasque Cooperation

Swiss Cooperation

Children of Asia Association

City of Paris

Raja Marcovici Foundation


Société Générale Foundation

European Union
They supported us


UEFA Foundation for Children


Wavestone Foundation

Weave our future Foundation

Wesco Foundation

Fabienne Tainturier
Head of Partnerships, Patronage and CSR Projects
Contact me on +33 (0)1 53 34 86 32
"At Planète Enfants & Développement, we've believed for 40 years that we all have a role to play, together, in helping children grow up in a better world. We are also convinced that co-construction is the key to a successful partnership".