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Adolescentes Chepang au Népal : de retour à leurs côtés
L’internat que nous avons construit en 2021 dans les montagnes de Dhading au Népal et géré par l’association Chepang, accueille aujourd’hui 22 adolescentes de 12 à 18 ans. Grâce aux liens que nous avons gardés, nous nous sommes aperçus que beaucoup d’entre elles...
Le Café des femmes : un moment de partage et de créativité
Durant les Cafés des femmes, on se retrouve, on échange et surtout, on s’exprime ! Un coup de pouce pour les mamans venues d’ailleurs, dans le cadre de notre programme Chemins d’Enfances en France . Nous organisions un Café des femmes il y a un mois dans Paris,...
Femmes exilées, mères combattantes, épisode 1 : Hawa
Les ateliers Baby Créatifs - de notre programme Chemins d’Enfances - offrent un précieux soutien aux parents arrivés depuis peu en France, en accueillant leurs jeunes enfants pendant le temps d’une formation. La série Femmes exilées, mères combattantes nous plonge...
Népal : des certificats de naissance et des visites médicales à l’école
Alors que les écoles maternelles de la région de Gorkha ont rouvert leurs portes après 10 jours de vacances, nous continuons à travailler avec notre partenaire UN Népal pour aider quelques familles qui scolarisent leurs enfants dans les 48 écoles que nous...
Rétrospective : qu’avons-nous fait au Burkina Faso en 2024 avec vos dons ?
Over the past year, we have taken concrete action in Burkina Faso to strengthen the skills of childminders, improve the care of toddlers and support the autonomy of women. 2024 in a few highlights for a better understanding of...
HaLI : une 3e phase prometteuse pour améliorer les conditions de vie à Phnom Penh
La 3e phase de notre projet HaLI, prévue de juin 2024 à juin 2027, marque une nouvelle étape ambitieuse dans notre engagement pour améliorer les conditions de vie de familles en grande précarité dans certains quartiers de Phnom Penh. Un démarrage prometteur à...
Ils ont fait l’association : Perrine Bacchetta Savoie, cheffe de mission au Népal en 2014
J’ai travaillé pour Planète Enfants au Népal pendant plus de 2 ans. J’ai souvenir à l’époque d’un pays très contrasté, du bruit et de la poussière de Katmandou, d’un contexte socio-économique difficile, notamment en raison de l’influence encore importante du...
Behind the scenes of a school visit in Nepal
Buddi Shresta, our Director of Operations in Nepal, visited one of the 48 nursery schools we support in the Sahid Lakhan municipality on October 27. So, what's the latest on the Rainas school? Buddi reports on the visit...
Engaging parents to tackle school dropout in India
Over the past school year, our partner Tomorrow's Foundation in India decided to train volunteer parents in practical, alternative teaching methods to support learning at home and prevent their children from dropping out...
Training to monitor progress of kindergarten students in Burkina Faso
At the end of 2022, the government of Burkina Faso validated the tools we helped develop to monitor the progress of kindergarten pupils. The country is taking a new step forward by training teaching teams in the use of these tools: a pedagogical monitoring notebook...
They made the association: Krishna street child supported in 2005
As a child, Krishna lived with his parents and 4 siblings in rural Nepal. Her mother eventually fled the domestic violence she could no longer bear, taking Krishna and one of her brothers with her. Sadly, she lost her life in a...
"We help them develop their micro-enterprise", Cambodia
In addition to providing social support and improving housing conditions in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, we are developing a program to help families set up micro-enterprises. Not only does this help to improve their living conditions, it also...
"It's like being in a prison here, and getting out of the prison"
Ayden, like Kady and Aliza, are little girls who need to laugh, play and dream. Yet, after school, they find themselves back in a reality that no child in France or anywhere else should have to face. They live in a social hotel...
They made the association: Laurence Nail, in touch with donors for 25 years
When I joined Planète Enfants in February 1999, it was a small association based in a garage, struggling to raise funds to combat child exploitation in Nepal. At the time, the founder was managing the structure alone. Recruited...
How have we used your donations over the past 1 year?
One article wouldn't be enough to give a complete overview of all the activities we've carried out thanks to the support of our donors and partners over the past few months. Nevertheless, we would like to take a quick look at some of our achievements to date...
France: Baby Créatifs workshops to awaken toddlers and support parents
The Chemins d'Enfances program is launching Baby Créatifs workshops in Paris this autumn. They are specially designed for children aged 6 months to 3 years, to give single mothers with complex migratory histories time to train and prepare for professional integration.
They made the association: Robert Holland, project manager then sector manager in the 90s
It all started in the late 80s when I was volunteering in a Vietnamese refugee camp in the Philippines with my partner Angèle. We then met a couple who were working for Enfants & Développement (the association's former name) on a...
Sharing our Early Childhood expertise with Enfants du Mékong for more crèches in Cambodia
In June 2024, Enfants du Mékong inaugurated a crèche for vulnerable families at its activity center in Phnom Penh. The NGO had approached Planète Enfants & Développement to provide its expertise in the deployment of crèches and to provide a...
Burkina Faso: A study highlights gender stereotypes in nursery schools
As in many countries around the world, gender inequality in Burkina Faso is rooted in and fueled by stereotypes that are passed down from generation to generation. These gender stereotypes are present in many aspects of life...
Ouest France speaks about us: "Cambodia gets its first public crèches"
"My parents live over 100 kilometers away. Without this crèche, I'd only see my daughter a few days a month," explains the mother, whose round belly indicates that Amara will soon be a big sister. A Ouest France correspondent in Cambodia came to...
A La Vie report: "Les petits damnés de Poipet"
Pascale Tournier, journalist for La Vie, came to meet our team and our local partner in Cambodia at the end of June. In a 6-page dossier published on newsstands on July 25, she describes in detail the oppressive atmosphere in Poipet, a...
They made the association: Nelly Mikec, volunteer since 2000
My name is Nelly and I joined Enfants & Développement as a volunteer in the early 2000s, at the end of my career. I worked as a secretary for what used to be called a solicitor, before the profession was restructured and its...
6 women mentors changing lives in Burkina Faso
Before they received their first childminder diploma in 2020 or 2021, they would never have imagined themselves in this role: today, they not only run their own mini-crèche, they also support the fledgling network...
What do Children's Clubs bring to struggling families in Vietnam?
At the beginning of June, our Early Childhood project manager in Vietnam organized two focus groups to measure the satisfaction of families participating in the Children's Clubs in social centers and kindergartens in Ho Chi Minh City. What do these...
Transform your life insurance into concrete projects for children's future
Life insurance is often seen as an investment tool. But did you know that it is also an easy way to leave a beautiful legacy behind, outside the estate, through an association? What is life insurance?...
Chemins d'Enfances joins Planète Enfants & Développement
Following the respective General Meetings of Chemins d'Enfances and Planète Enfants & Développement on June 26, 2024, we are delighted to announce the merger of our two associations. The Chemins d'Enfances association...
They made the association: Rabina, supported in 2011 in Nepal
Now a laboratory technician in Kathmandu, Rabina talks to us about her journey since meeting the association 13 years ago in Nepal. An alcoholic and violent father, a couple breaking up, Rabina still doesn't know - at the age of 24 - where to...
HaLi evaluation: what benefits for poorly housed precarious families in Cambodia?
The 2nd phase of our project to improve living conditions in the slums of Phnom Penh in Cambodia comes to an end in June 2024. An opportunity to review the results and impacts of the past 3 years. Extracts from...
Parenting month in Nepal celebrated in June
On June 12 and 13, our team in Nepal celebrated Parenthood Month in 2 kindergartens we support in Gorkha. Marine, on civic service with Planète Enfants & Développement, tells us about these 2 days. We had set ourselves the goal of...
Play in learning: a fundamental role
International Play Day, this June 11, 2024, is an excellent opportunity to recall the role of play in the development of young children. Interview with Nolwenn Deschard, Early Childhood expert at Planète Enfants & Développement.What are the...