It's a pleasure to introduce you to Sanny Chhun this month. This member of our team is a driver-logistician in Cambodia, but he's really much more than that! He's happy to help out with English translations and other project work!
Who's behind Sanny Chhun?
I'm married, have 2 children aged 7 and 13 and come from Kampong Cham province in Cambodia. I'll be 54 in a few months. I became a driver in 2010. Before joining Planète Enfants & Développement in 2020, I worked for Médecins Sans Frontières for over 10 years. I drove nurses to villages for health visits. Then I spent nearly 3 years more than 400 kms from Phnom Penh with an organization fighting malaria. I only saw my family every 2 or 3 months, it was no longer possible. So when I got the call from Planète Enfants & Développement (I was driving ;-), I was very happy. And when they saw that I was driving with MSF in sometimes very difficult conditions, they understood that I'm a good driver !!!!

What are your favorite aspects of your work?
What I like best about my job is the mechanics, the maintenance of the vehicles. A flat tire is no problem. I like to move around and be outdoors. I'm out in the field with the teams almost every day. The crèches we've developed are about 2 hours from Phnom Penh, so I take off from home around 6 in the morning.
But I also like helping out with the logistics of the projects. Repairing, installing, building, delivering materials, taking care of the vegetable gardens, decorating the outside walls of the crèches - I love it. If I'm asked, I'll get out my toolbox and come to the rescue!

Any plans for the future?
I live from day to day and get everything I want when I dream!!!! On a more serious note, I'd like to stay with Planète Enfants & Développement until I'm old (am I old yet?!).
Otherwise, I perfect my English whenever I get the chance. I started learning the language in 1994. At first, I learned from cassettes, but now I listen to videos on Youtube! I'm also interested in computers in my spare time. I'm learning to type on the computer so that I can do it with my children later on.