Raising awareness in nursery schools in Gorkha, Nepal

May 29, 2024
Buddi, program manager, at a meeting in Gorkha's nursery schools

On May 9, some twenty educators and parents took part in the first planning meeting for nursery schools in Gorkha, Nepal. Each of the 48 nursery schools supported in the Sahid Lakhan municipality will host 4 such meetings by mid-2026.

Objectives: to raise awareness of the importance of caring for and stimulating children under the age of 6 among all stakeholders around the school - the principal, management committee, teachers and parents' association - to encourage them to take action and define a plan of action within the school, and to allocate a budget for it.

As part of our project to support these 48 nursery schools in Gorkha, these meetings contribute to advocacy actions in favor of ambitious Early Childhood policies. In fact, since November 2023, alongside our local partner UN Nepal, we have been supporting elected representatives who are showing great commitment to improving their schools.

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