
Early childhood development | Social support for families
2020-2023 (phase 1) / 2023-2026 (phase 2)
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Early childhood in Vietnam: supporting parenthood and training professionals
In Vietnam, public facilities for children under 5 are overcrowded and private services are too expensive for a large part of the population. There are also many cases of violence and child abuse.
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The context
Vietnam emphasizes the development of the country's economy, without sufficiently focusing on the importance of education for the youngest, the driving force of this new society.
Economic growth and rural poverty are driving many women out of the villages to get jobs in the city. Ho Chi Minh City, the economic capital in the south of Vietnam, is growing steadily.
Many women come to work here, especially in the garment factories. However, in the family tradition, mothers are always responsible for the children.
While 92% of young children have access to pre-school in Vietnam, very few are under the age of 3: childcare services for infants aged 0 to 3 are too few and of questionable quality. Overcrowded and too costly for many, they are also subject to abuse. Treating malnutrition and reducing violence are major challenges, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
How is your donation used?
For every €100 raised by Planète Enfants & Développement, €84.4 goes to our social mission.
Our projects are evaluated by independent firms. And our accounts are audited and certified each year by KPMG.
Of children under 3 years of age do not know about preschool in 2018
of workers' childcare needs are covered in Ho Chi Minh City's industrial zones in 2015.
of children were victims of violent punishment in Vietnam in 2019
The project
Since 2020, Planète Enfants & Développement has been working on urban poverty issues, focusing its actions on two particularly vulnerable districts of Ho Chi Minh City (Thu Duc and Tan Phu), home to many internal migrant families. The aim is to support these families in all aspects of parenting and understanding their children's needs. It also aims to strengthen the skills of early childhood professionals and local authorities. The 2nd phase of this project, part of our Early Childhood Program Agreement, began in 2023.
Training for early childhood professionals
From 2023 to 2026, we will be training 160 new childcare assistants to work in kindergartens. The first intake will follow a comprehensive 11-month program consisting of a theoretical component of 16 modules (1 session every 2 weeks) and a practical component with 1 individual coaching session every 2 weeks. The program is run in partnership with the One Sky and HACRP associations.
For the second intake, we're focusing on gender and screen management.
Supporting parenthood and the parent-child bond
Support for parenthood, organized within kindergartens and 2 partner social centers, is aimed at families in difficulty and focuses on specific themes such as violence prevention, nutrition, equality between boys and girls, and screen management... We also want to develop sessions devoted to the role of fatherhood, to get fathers more involved.
In addition, our Early Childhood expert in Vietnam organizes a monthly online conference on the theme of parenting, featuring an external Early Childhood specialist.
This program is complemented by an awareness and communication campaign on screen management.
In addition, to strengthen the bond between parents and children, and because the children concerned have few games at home, we organize "children's clubs" at 3 social centers and 1 kindergarten. Each club organizes at least 2 sessions per month, with a maximum of 15 families per session. Health and psychological prevention sessions are also organized.
The parenting support sessions and Children's Clubs are run by 12 social workers whom we have trained and coach on a regular basis.
Advocacy to strengthen the legal framework for Early Childhood in Vietnam
Finally, Planète Enfants & Développement draws the attention of public authorities to the challenges of early childhood development by organizing seminars that bring together local authorities, service providers and other players working in the field of early childhood in Ho Chi Minh City.
Other projects :
Vietnam: Protecting trafficked children
Hy Vong: Let's fight violence against women
Vietnam: Supporting families in distress in Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam: Socio-professional integration of marginalized youth
" The child is a unique individual: in order to learn, he or she must feel accepted, loved, safe and active in an environment that encourages, nurtures and supports him or her.
Maria Montessori
Our partners in the field
DOLISA: Department managing the city's social affairs policy
HACRP (Ho Chi Minh Association of Children's Rights Protection) Association for the protection of children's rights in Ho Chi Minh City.
One Sky: Association that trains childcare professionals and parents throughout Asia.