HaLI: a promising 3rd phase to improve living conditions in Phnom Penh

Jan 31, 2025

The 3rd phase of our HaLI project, scheduled to run from June 2024 to June 2027, marks an ambitious new stage in our commitment to improving the living conditions of families in extreme poverty in certain districts of Phnom Penh.

A promising start at Sensabay

Activities began in August in a new commune north of Phnom Penh (Sensabay), more precisely in the villages of Sen Sok 1 and 2, after several months of preparation and obtaining the necessary permits.

Training groups of Passa volunteers

Formation of volunteer groups of residents, known as PASSA*.

The first 17 volunteer residents, including 14 women, have been trained to map their village, identify housing that represents a danger to the families living there and prioritize the renovations to be carried out. These groups play a key role in linking our project team, residents and local authorities, ensuring transparency and inclusion.

Home renovation

We began the first renovations and successfully completed one of them in December, despite some challenges such as reinforcing the foundations. The work includes better insulation to meet climate challenges. In partnership with Habitat for Humanity Cambodia, we aim to renovate 90 new homes using environmentally-friendly techniques and materials by June 2027, and to train 120 women in home maintenance.

improve living conditions
improve living conditions

Social follow-up and psychosocial support for families

Social workers from our local partner SKO have begun home visits to the most vulnerable of the 200 families who will be included in our 6-9 month support program.

Financial solidarity and increased income

A first group of 22 women and 3 men has been formed and has already collectively saved 850,000 riels (around 200 euros). Group members will be able to borrow money in the coming weeks, and a second group will soon be formed. We are also in the process of recruiting candidates for our microenterprise training program. In partnership with CEDT, these initiatives enable families, and women in particular, to strengthen their financial independence.

Challenges and prospects

The first two phases of the HaLI project have concretely improved the undignified living conditions of several hundred families and given these marginalized populations a voice with local authorities. However, challenges remain, such as the full involvement of men, greater autonomy for women, the inclusion of young people in decision-making and resilience in the face of climatic risks.
Our team and our partners are resolutely mobilized to meet these challenges!

* PASSA = Participatory Approach for Safe Shelter Awareness.

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