What if they were part of your story?
What will happen to my family home? Where will all these things that have accompanied my story end up?
How to leave a strong imprint in the lives of those who need it?
Or simply how to donate a little of my heritage?
You ask yourself these questions, you wish to build a project that resembles you, around the values of sharing, transmission, and equal opportunity for all children Our human-sized team is there to listen and respond to your concerns with kindness, accompanied by Maître Massuelle.
As a charitable organization, Planète Enfants & Développement is authorized to receive bequests, donations and life insurance exempt from transfer duties.

Sylvie Morin-Miot
In charge of the Transmission of Patrimony
Mail : sylvie.morin-miot@planete-eed.org
Tel : 01 53 34 86 32
Accompanied by Maître Massuelle, notary
Each project is unique
It adapts to your desires, your abilities, your family and personal situation.
1/ It is not necessary to have a large fortune or to be a landlord to make a gift, a bequest or a donation; and leave your mark on their history.
You can also pass on a securities account, a sum of money, a piece of jewelry, ...
2/ Without children or a spouse, you can pass on all of your assets.
If you have heirs, part of your estate goes to them. You can pass on the available portion.

How to transmit?
The donation
It is the gift, during one's lifetime, of all or part of one's movable and immovable property.
The legacy
It is the transmission of all or part of one's property, by a will that takes effect upon his death.
Life Insurance
It is the gift of savings to one or more beneficiaries. Life insurance is said to be outside the estate: it is not part of the inheritance reserve.
Do you have any questions?
> I have children. Can I transmit my heritage to Planète Enfants & Développement?
> Can I keep the use of the property that is the subject of my donation? For example, can I continue to live in my apartment?
> How do I designate Planète Enfants & Développement as the beneficiary of my life insurance?
"The idea of passing on one's assets, such as a bequest to an association, can be impressive. In reality, there are many flexible ways to do this, adapted to each situation and modifiable at any time. You can give the entirety of your estate, but also retain a right of use and enjoyment. Depending on your wishes and your choices, you can benefit from important tax advantages. Everything is possible!"

Sylvie Morin-Miot
In charge of the Transmission of Patrimony
Mail : sylvie.morin-miot@planete-eed.org
Tel : 01 53 34 86 32
Accompanied by Maître Massuelle, notary
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