Nearly 20,000 children a year protected, awakened, schooled
Whether it's a donation of money, time, or a gift of solidarity, there are many ways to help children at risk.
Why get involved with us?
- 40 years of experience serving children in countries we know well - Burkina Faso, Nepal, Cambodia and Vietnam - and more recently in Laos, India, Togo and France.
- With Planète Enfants & Développement, you're helping to protect, awaken and educate an average of 20,000 underprivileged children every year.
- Long-term, in-depth change agents.
- An organization on a human scale and in the field
- 84.4% of our funds dedicated to our social mission (2023).
- The guarantee of a rigorous and transparent management, of quality projects: in addition to the audit carried out each year by independent auditors, we have all our projects evaluated by external consultants.

Donors and companies
Benefit from a tax reduction of 66% as an individual and 60% as a company of the amount of your donations.
Volunteers and employees
Our human-sized association integrates you easily and involves you in concrete and impactful activities.
Corporate and operational partners
Our agility and our listening skills help us to build together.
How to help children?
Make a donation
Make a donation
84.4 % of our expenses devoted to our social missions in 2023.
Become a corporate partner
Become a corporate partner
Depending on your wishes and your choices, you can benefit from important tax advantages.
Making a Bequest/Donation
Making a Bequest/Donation
What will happen to my family home? Where will all these things that have accompanied my history end up?
Buying in solidarity
Buying in solidarity
By buying a solidarity product, you help the children we support to smile again.
Become a Volunteer
Become a Volunteer
Become a PE&D volunteer, is to join a human-sized, dynamic, committed team that works in a friendly atmosphere.
Join us
Join us
PE&D is regularly looking for employees, international solidarity volunteers, civic services or interns.

Donor for 3 years
"I have always wanted to help people who have been less fortunate than me...When I saw that you were a human-sized NGO involved in improving the lives of vulnerable children, I was immediately convinced!"

The Société Générale Foundation
"The Societe Generale Foundation has been supporting training for professional integration for women in Burkina Faso since 2018 alongside Planète Enfants & Développement. What brings us together: the desire and the chance to give a chance to those who are in the most difficulty."

Jean Baptiste Douillet-Romand
Project manager in Cambodia
"Fantastic! Very good working atmosphere in Cambodia within a multicultural team, with national colleagues and committed volunteers sharing common values. The feeling of belonging to a big family"