Urmila, a victim of human trafficking, tells us her story

29 Jul, 2019

vignette-journee-mondiale-traiteEvery year, 2.5 million people fall into the trap of human trafficking.


This is what happened to Urmila*, a 34 year old Nepalese mother of 2, who was exploited for 11 years in the entertainment industry before meeting Planète Enfants & Développement. She tells us her story:

When I was 13, I found myself married. One day, my husband left for Kathmandu and never came back. I found myself alone with my son so I decided to go and find him. As I had no money and no specific skills, some friends advised me to come and work in the entertainment industry. I was against it but I had no choice. Eventually I found my husband in Kathmandu but he was not doing anything for our family. He started to torture me physically and also morally to keep me working in this industry. I was physically abused by customers, "colleagues" and my boss. Exploited, I was really desperate.

And I finally met Planète Enfants & Développement and its partner Child Nepal. The association helped me to launch my mobile business where I sell clothes. Thanks to their support, I was able to start providing for my family. The situation has gradually improved with my husband. I also and especially had the opportunity to participate in different trainings on entrepreneurship, parenting, trafficking and modern slavery, health, etc. I learned a lot! I have learned a lot! I can also, whenever I want, go and discuss my problems with the psychosocial counselor or with the project health worker. I am very grateful to Planète Enfants & Développement for allowing me to send my daughter to school, who is now much more alert than before. I can really see the progress!  "

Urmila and her children have been taken care of by our Protection and Emancipation project in Kathmandu, Nepal. This project allows exploited women to rebuild their lives and look at the future in a different way, and their children to be protected and educated.

LUrmila, a victim of trafficking, tells us her storyhe entertainment industry is estimated to employ between 20,000 and 30,000 girls in Kathmandu, most of them minors. 50% to 75% of these girls are forced into prostitution in dance barss, the cabin restaurantsThere are also singing bars (dohoris) and massage parlors.

In 80% of trafficking cases, the victims are sexually exploited. Most of the others are modern slaves condemned to forced labor associated with moral and even sexual harassment and brutality of all kinds. Still others, mostly children, are forced to steal and beg.

The United Nations (United Nations) established the World Day for the Dignity of Victims of Human Trafficking in 2013. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of the situation of victims of human trafficking and to promote and protect their rights.

>> To learn more about the fight against human trafficking in Nepal 

Planète Enfants & Développement is a member of the Collective " Together against human trafficking " created in 2007 by the impulse of Secours Catholique.
Find all the actions of the collective here >

* the first name has been changed

July 2019

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