Family support in Vietnam (very well) evaluated!

19 Mar, 2017

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External evaluators (the study office Prospective Coopération) have just completed the evaluation of our family support project in Vietnam.
His conclusions are extremely positive: he believes that the project addresses the multidimensional needs of vulnerable families, thanks to the holistic approach of Family Support. He also emphasizes that the individual commitment, initiative and perseverance of the social workers have played an important role in the success of the interventions. He attests, in n, very encouraging results, such as:

  • 2,399 families in vulnerable situations received psycho-social follow-up.
  • 80% of the families followed became more autonomous in resolving their di culty.
  • Of these, 89%s maintained their positive changes more than 6 months after follow-up.The evaluators recommend further transfer of the project to local authorities, which we will endeavor to do.


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